The Monster Under the Bed


     I wait as I lie, deep in the shadows.

     The bed frame above me basking in the soft red glow of my eyes.

     Dust particles dance around me, like embers of a fire, waiting for me to creep out of this dark abyss.

     The wood creaks as the human stirs in slumber and I graze my clawed fingers across the frame, a screeching sound escaping from underneath my nails.

     Perhaps I emerge from the depths tonight, releasing myself from this prison of my own making.

     I close my eyes, letting the sound engulfe me and calm my emotions. Smoothing out the wrinkles of nerves as the tunes sink down into my spine, like a soundtrack for my mind.

     As I open my eyes, I tear my gaze towards the side of the bed, following the sliver of light dancing towards me. There I'm met with a bright sea of green, striking sky blue speckling through the meadow of flowing emerald hills.

     Two large pools, staring at me. Eyes displaying an emotion I recognize deep in my bones; terror.


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